It’s time to heal your anxious attachment.

Stop worrying and sabotaging. Become more secure and build healthy, loving relationships.

Have you felt insecure your whole life?

Constantly pretending? Low self-esteem? Hard time trusting others?

Sabotaging your relationships? Craving intimacy yet feeling unwanted?

You are not alone.

These are all symptoms of what is called an anxious attachment style. Psychologists found that 1 in 5 adults use this style to guide their relationships.

It is something we inherit from our childhood relationship with our parents, so it’s rarely our fault. Yet, it seems like it’s in charge of our life.

Anxious attachment causes us to obsess over whether someone wants us, is texting us, or is just thinking about us.

And when they don’t? We resent them and withdraw. And the negative feelings take over, leaving us paralyzed and unable to function in life.

The good news?
You can heal and become secure

Let me know if this sounds familiar.

If you are single:

Dating almost takes up your entire mind. You’ve been trying to find intimacy for a while. But, you just cannot seem to find the right connection, even though you have so much going for you.

You try to exercise, travel, read, learn instruments, buy nice clothes, work on yourself, and go to gatherings and meetups. All in hopes that one day you will finally be enough.

Yet, it seems most people don’t see that. They might give you compliments, but it doesn’t feel like you’ve gotten anywhere. And the times you do finally connect with someone, it just doesn’t feel right.

You might still be in contact with your ex(s), or you cannot seem to fully move on from them. If you’ve never had a relationship, you feel like you will never fully find love.

It feels very difficult to you, yet it seems easy for others. You blame your looks, personality, or situation. Yet, deep down, you know you’re actually a decently attractive person.

Why is it so hard to just find love… such a basic human need?

If you are in a relationship:

You wake up and go to check your phone, hoping for a text from your partner. If you don’t see a loving text, you feel weird and anxious, sometimes even resenting them.

You go about your day, they are always on your mind. Yet, you don’t know if you are on theirs. You hope that they will one day finally see your value and want you as much as you want them, but it never happens.

You find yourself pursuing them as they distance themselves. The intense intimacy you had in the beginning of the relationship seems to fade away each day. You’re with someone, yet you feel alone and insecure.

They try to meet your needs, yet it never feels enough. You constantly think about pulling away or breaking up. Your pride is shaken. You feel trapped and there’s no way out.

Sometimes, if you’re dating someone secure or more anxious than you, you may find the opposite dynamic happening. You may find them coming closer, while you constantly pull away, feeling lost.

Why can’t you just relax and be in a happy, stable relationship?

How do I know all of this?
Because I’ve lived through it my whole life.

Hi, I’m Nour

I’m the founder of Love Addicts. Just like you, my attachment style is anxious. But I don’t like to use that word anymore. Let’s use “love addict” instead, shall we?

I’ve struggled with relationships and confidence my whole life. No matter what I did or who I dated, I always felt I wasn’t enough.

One day, I had enough. I went back to school and studied psychology at the University of Amsterdam. I also hired a confidence coach and read every book I could find on love, relationships, and happiness.

I developed an entire framework to keep my attachment at bay, and finally feel secure. It’s built on proven therapy strategies and a safe community.

Because I know how painful it is, I want to help as many people as I can. So I’ve made it my mission to share my framework with you.

It all begins with a decision. Do you want to spend the rest of your life feeling like this?

Or would you rather embrace your nature, finally feel lovable, and get your needs met?

Here’s how to heal…

There’s only one way to heal anxious attachment: by changing the belief system you currently hold about yourself and about other people.

This means you have to become someone who believes they are valuable, lovable, trusting, social, and able to find love and intimacy easily.

But that feels impossible when your thoughts and feelings are working against you all the time, right?

That’s why I’ve worked with our main psychologist, Hannah Rivera, and put together a free workshop to help you heal your anxious attachment and become more secure.

After watching this workshop, 3 things will happen:

  1. You will change your beliefs about yourself and start thinking like a secure person.

  2. You will finally know what this thing that sabotaged your life and relationships is.

  3. You will have control over your emotions and no longer obsess over others.

Our mission is and always has been to help as many people as possible heal and become secure.

That’s why in the workshop, we interviewed Hannah and had her reveal everything she knows about anxious attachment and how to heal it, so that you can become your most secure self.

What’s Included In The Workshop?

In short, everything you need to feel secure, once and for all.

An Explanation Of Your Struggles

First, we start with a diagnosis. You know you’ve been going through a tough time in the relationship department of your life. But where is that all coming from?

In this section of the workshop, our psychologist Hannah will explain what anxious attachment is, where it comes from, and how it manifests in your daily life.

After watching this section, everything will just make a lot more sense, and you will feel a lot of relief for knowing what you have been struggling with for so long.

A Solution For Your Struggles

Once you know what you’ve been dealing with, Hannah will guide you through how to solve it, once and for all.

Hannah will walk you through the VALUE toolkit, a framework we’ve developed here at Love Addicts that has helped hundreds of people heal their anxious attachment.

The acronym stands for value, acceptance, lovableness, universal trust, and extroversion. This will equip you with all the tools you need to manage and soothe your anxious attachment whenever it takes control.

Who’s Giving This Workshop?

Our team consists of certified & licensed psychologists.

Elisa Monti, PhD

Dr. Elisa Monti is a voice-specialized psychologist with a PhD from The New School for Social Research in New York, with a focus on attachment and childhood trauma.

Hannah Rivera, MSc

Hannah Rivera is a licensed psychologist and psychotherapist with a masters in clinical psychology from the Hellenic American University. She’s an expert at CBT and psychodynamic therapy.

Are you ready to stop obsessing about others, become secure, and be present in your life again?

How do I join for the workshop?

If Love Addicts helped you become secure and find fulfilling relationships, what would it be worth to you? Personally, I would give anything for that.

Love Addicts is very popular. We get around 50 applicants each day. And we have a limited number of therapists and professionals.

However, we want to make this information accessible to everyone, since it has changed my life and the lives of hundreds of people.

That’s why we’ve decided to give the workshop for free. All you have to do to sign up is take the attachment quiz below to make sure that this is for you.

If it is, you will be taken to a page where you can schedule your workshop.

So, do you want to heal your anxious attachment? Please take the attachment quiz now!

Ready to finally heal and become secure?

Take The Attachment Quiz!

The quiz is free and only takes 1 minute to complete. By the end of it, you will know your attachment style.

If you are a love addict, you will be invited to attend the workshop.

Begin the attachment quiz below!
(Quiz length: 10 questions)