It's time to heal from your breakup.

Navigating a breakup is one of the most difficult and important things that we will ever learn to do.

You have questions.

If your partner left the relationship

If you've left the relationship

What did I do?

How do I fix this?

Why don't they want me anymore?

Will we get back together?

How did I end up in this relationship?

Why does 


In either case you may also be asking yourself one very painful question:

Why does this keep happening to me?

Friend, it doesn't have to be this way.

We do so much in our lives for our relationships.  We make sacrifices, we change ourselves, we move, we quit jobs, we rearrange our lives around one another.  We try- hard.  And when it doesn't work out how we dreamed it would-  it can be devastating.

Here's what healing can look like:

Step 1.) Heal your broken heart

You'll join a community of over 4,000 other beautiful people who have their own stories to share, and know how to hold space for you.  Here we share our wins, and our lessons together.  It's a wonderful thing to experience the togetherness that comes from kind souls who know what you've been through and want to support you.

Our coaches hold daily community group sessions where you can witness the experience of others and come to understand that it's not just you that feels this way.

You are not alone in your pain.  Somewhere in the community someone has the words that perfectly fit your wounds.  

There is great power in knowing this and experiencing it for yourself, whenever you need it.

2.) Learn to spot the patterns

At Love School you can learn things about yourself and your exes that have hidden in plain sight.  You can come to know the dynamics you bring into your relationships.  These patterns may have been going on for years, or even- our whole lives.  It's an exhilarating feeling to finally spot them.  This knowledge has the ability to melt away your fear and insecurities.  The most common reaction is tears - of laughter and joy.

3.) Go from breakup to better than ever

Even with all of the heartache, a breakup is an amazingly powerful time in our lives.  There is such gravity to this moment we're in.  We can find inspiration and motivation in ways that are hard to access in other times of life.  We can learn how to soothe ourselves and gain tools that last us our whole lives.  And with these tools we can find our strength and Love for ourselves.  We can make big, healthy, welcome changes in our lives that would be more difficult in other times.  We can use this time to learn and grow and become stronger and better than we've ever been.  This breakup alchemy is the final step of our program.

At Love School we support one another, share our wins and lessons, and many of us feel like we've found a whole new lease on life.

What would it mean to you to leave the fear and insecurity behind and find a lasting Love- for yourself and with your partner?